
Vacate Cleaning Brisbane

72 Hour Guarantee

Get your cleaning service completed again within 72 hours if you aren't happy.

20+ Years Of Experience

Trust cleaners with years of experience in the industry.

Top Rated In Aus

Cleaning thousands of homes and businesses across Australia every month

72 Hour Guarantee

Get your cleaning service completed again within 72 hours if you aren't happy.

20+ Years Of Experience

Trust cleaners with years of experience in both residential and commercial cleaning.

Top Rated In Aus

Cleaning thousands of homes and businesses across Australia every month

Vacate Cleaning With Piece Of Mind

Is your lease coming to an end? Don’t risk losing your bond or tirelessly worrying about what to clean. At Cleaning Super Boss we leave every job with a bond back and satisfaction guarantee.

Get in touch with Brisbane’s End Of Lease Cleaning specialists.

Cost Effective
100% Satisfaction
Qualified Cleaners
Quality Services

Trusted Vacate Cleaning In Brisbane

Make your end of lease, a smooth and worry free experience, every single one of our cleaners is vetted and police checked, insured, trained and highly rated. Every clean comes with a 72 hour cleaning service guarantee to ensure you get your bond back, our service also includes a comprehensive and well received vacate cleaning checklist to ensure every requirement for you to get your bond back is met.

Getting your vacate cleaning booked is easy, simply just call us anytime – 7 days a week, or book online.

0 +

Expert Cleaners

0 +

Cleans Every Month

0 +

Houses Cleaned

How To Book


Book In Clean

Enquire by either form, email or calling.

Confirm Booking

With quote accepted, we'll confirm your cleaning booking, date and time.

Sit Back & Relax

Wait for the cleaners to arrive, then sit back and relax.

Vacate Cleaning Checklist

Our expert team of qualified end of lease cleaners arrive on time and equipped for the job. Leaving no room sparred and every inch covered giving you the piece of mind needed for your end of lease. Covering all areas required for a end of lease clean, with additional extras optional.

Kitchen Cleaning
Bathroom Cleaning
General Cleaning
Bedroom Cleaning
Living Area Cleaning
+Add Ons

Kitchen Cleaning

Our team of cleaners start by deep cleaning the kitchen including; inside and outside of the oven, stove tops, range hood, benches, splashback, cupboards, sinks, taps, dishwasher and fridge, then finish by vacuuming and mopping the floor.

Bedroom Cleaning

Bedrooms receive a thorough clean of the following items; doors, walls, skirting boards, windows, tracks/sills, any surfaces and furniture required then finishing with a vacuum of the carpet.

Bathroom Cleaning

Next up the bathrooms are thoroughly inspected and cleaned which includes; cleaning, polishing and scrubbing mirrors, glass, cabinet tops and drawers,  tiles, shower, toilet, bathtub and finishing with another vacuum and mop of the floors.

Additional Services

If required our team can also handle any additional services your end of lease might require including, window cleaning, blind cleaning, steam carpet cleaning, garage cleaning and pressure/exterior cleaning.


Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

Frequently Asked Questions

A full kitchen clean including oven and stove. Full bathroom clean including toilet and showers. Full living/bed rooms clean including vacuuming and mopping. Additionals include carpet steam, grout cleaning and pressure cleaning.
Yes we do, our bond back guarantee means that we ensure our service is up to standard and exceeds your expectation, ensuring you meet the requirements of a end of lease clean.
Our end of lease cleans are thorough and require the time to put in the attention to detail, starting at a 1 BHK property lasts 6 hours minimum. For larger properties please contact our team for additional inforamtion.
These terms are interchangeable for a cleaning service that is required for vacating a property in order to get a bond back.

Deep Cleaning Form

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

End Of Lease Cleaning Form

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

Steam Carpet Cleaning

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

BBQ Cleaning

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

Choose Your Service

Then Fill Out The Form To Book Online

Deep Clean
Window Clean
Vacate Clean
Office Clean
Oven Clean
Carpet Clean
BBQ Clean
Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

Office Cleaning

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

Oven Cleaning

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

Deep Cleaning

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

Window Cleaning

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional

End Of Lease Cleaning

Fill Out The Below Form To Book Online

Based on 22 reviews
Simone Haskins
Simone Haskins
Wonderful, friendly service. Very thorough. Highly recommend.
Vonn Pereira
Vonn Pereira
Friendly and very thorough with the cleaning. Happy with the service provided
Shannon McGrath
Shannon McGrath
Great service, windows were spotless when they finished
Rhea Pickering
Rhea Pickering
Friendly and done a great job. Thanks again!
adityavikram singh mann
adityavikram singh mann
It was great work, super friendly, house felt new and very proffesional